Spiral-Matic Spiral Slicer; Md#A-6510

Spiral-Matic Spiral Slicer; Md#A-6510

Location:Lake City, PA


Spiral-Matic slicer is fully automatic, just load & unload. Automatic cycle completion feature allows automatic hands-free operations,a single operator can manage multiple machines simultaneously. Spiral slices bone-In, semi-boneless & boneless meat products. Delivers the fluted cut, symbol of quality in a spiral sliced product. Delivers any slice thickness desired. Knife tension to the bone infinitely adjustable. Knife travel to and through the center line of the spindles. Oil bath reciprocal for continuous run. Model A-6510 features dual product driving spindles for boneless products and difficult to cut semi-boneless and bone-in hams at greater productions rates. Quick and easy clean-up. Stainless steel construction. The unit is 120V, single phase. Air supply needed. FOB Lake City, PA


Stock Number19569
CategoryFood Preparation
SubcategorySpiral Slicers