Auto-load Carton & Robotic Case Pack System (360 CPM) w/Bradman-Lake, Schneider & Fanuc ComponentsSc

Auto-load Carton & Robotic Case Pack System (360 CPM) w/Bradman-Lake, Schneider & Fanuc ComponentsSc
Location:Lake City, PA
Fully automatic cartoning and case packing system last used to package fruit pies for the snack industry. System used two Smart Belt indexing conveyors to feed two Bradman-Lake auto-load cartoners, which then feed into one Schneider robotic case packer utilizing a Fanuc robot. Numerous conveyors between components are also included in package. Each cartoner was run at 180 cartons per minute for a total of 360 cartons per minute feeding into the case packer. The case packer built four layers of 12 cartons. System was new in 1999 and was just removed from service.
Equipment Details
(2) Bradman-Lake End-Load Auto-Cartoners
Md# SL Minor, Sn 15247 (same # stamped on each cartoner)
Cartoner was fed product with a Smart Belt Indexing conveyor (listed below), a rotary feeder placed cartons and barrel loader pushed product into carton. Chain centers are 6" allowing up to 5" long carton, maximum depth is approximately 6.5". Unit was operated at speeds of 180 cartons per minute.
(2) Smart Belt Corp. Indexing Conveyors (used to feed auto-load cartoner)
Part# 1-A-0013-000, Sn 7SBCA0039 (same # stamped on each indexer)
Conveyor is 17" long including 90-degree shuttle turn
(1) Schneider Robotic Case Packer, Sn 1761-0399 incorporating one Fanuc Robot model LR Mate 100i (four axis). Cartons are conveyed from two cartoning machines via several conveyors and 90-degree transfers to a final 90-degree transfer that sends three cartons in a row on the final conveyor resulting in four rows of three. This 12-carton pattern is then picked up by the robot and placed into the case box. After the fourth layer of cartons is in place, the case packer ejects the full case and moves the next case into place.
Condition | Used |
Stock Number | 12836 |
Quantity | 1 |
Category | Packaging |
Subcategory | Cartoners &a Sealers, Packaging |