Daniels Food Equipment DMX Quad 500

Daniels Food Equipment DMX Quad 500

Location:Lake City, PA


New unit from manufacturer, 500# capacity Quad, all stainless steel 12 gauge construction, 180 degree dumping, removable paddle, cleanout drain in bottom, transparent cover with triple safety lockout, direction control-stop; forward & reverse, dump height 12 7/8", frame is 11 gauge stainless steel tubing, swivel casters. Double action mixing capability. 10 ga. SS hopper with SS sheeted lid, hydraulic tank dump and removable mixing paddles, 5" stainless steel wheels, 7-1/2 hp motor, gearbox, heavy duty frame & paddles, SS controls cover


ManufacturerDaniels Food Equipment
ModelDMX Quad 500
Stock Number19220